Ambergris Caye

Ambergris Caye
The town of San Pedro

Thursday, 31 December 2015

The lights went out!

It's not unusual for the electricity and water to go out on the island, sometimes for a few hours.

We experienced our first power cut last week.  We had just showered before the meeting, and the electricity went out - I (Steph) had wet hair and a part on the meeting. So, we got ready by torch light and headed to the hall - fuzzy hair and all!  We were the first to arrive; Assie and Phil brought torches and Assie had arranged for other brothers to bring lanterns etc.

All the sisters were walking round apologising for their appearance, and agreeing to ignore mismatched outfits and crazy make-up if the lights came back on during the meeting!

Slowly the hall filled with 15-20 members of the congregation. The platform was set up with a lantern on the rostrum and a lantern on the table for the school parts. We were working out who would lead the singing so that we could follow a tune.

At 6.58 Phil walked outside the hall and noticed that some houses had lights on.  He walked back in, flicked the light switch and the lights came on!  Which was slightly anticlimactic, we were all ready for our first meeting in the dark and now my fuzzy hair was visible from the platform!

Rudy, Janine and Assie

Me and Bronwyn strategisig for our talk!

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